It takes a great ideal to produce a great crime! (Martin Malia)
Lenin was the most influential, most diabolical figure of the 20th century.
Martin Malia
Stalin’s era is a direct continuation of Lenin’s.
Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
Everything flows, everything changes, it is impossible to step twice into the same transport.
Vassily Grossman
Surrounded by red and brown currents, it is a miracle that Hungary still exists.
Margit Slachta
Communism begins where atheism begins.
It takes a great ideal to produce a great crime!
Martin Malia
I don’t know one, I can’t see the other, and as for the third – I don’t remember.
Chaim Potok
Every member of the party must be an agent of the CHEKA.
Dictatorship means nothing more or less than unrestricted power absolutely unimpeded by laws or regulations and resting directly on force.
The aim is not to convince, but to confuse the opponent.
The theory and practice of the totalitarian state are the greatest challenge which man has been called on to meet in the course of civilised history.
Arthur Koestler
We Communists are people of a special cut.
Telling the truth is a bourgeois prejudice.
Stalin died without previous planning, without instructions from the administrative apparatus. Stalin died without personal instructions by Comrade Stalin. In this freedom and spontaneity, this capriciousness of death, there was something explosive, something contradictory to the innermost essence of the Soviet state. Confusion seized minds and hearts.
Vassily Grossman
We swear to you, Comrade Lenin, that we will honourably fulfil your commandment!
Let no one be spared!
Calm down! We are not killing anyone now.
“The Death of Stalin” (film, 2017)
Without a revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement.
Terror is just both in principle and in practice, and it is based on and legitimised by
revolutionary necessity.
Morality is what serves communist politics.
We must always make the bourgeoisie feel guilty, because it has a conscience.
We must give an unexpected push to that which is falling, but not with our own hands.
Soviet power is organised civil war.
The communists openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.